How to manage your brand on instagram

Businesses today have a new playground for marketing and branding. It is called Instagram. Many marketers and business individuals have been experimenting with Instagram lately and are getting mixed results.

To get success on Instagram, efficiently managing your business profile is must. Even though you have a horde of followers, a messy profile will hinder your actions some or the other way.

You must have seen some businesses or maybe your competitors hacking their growth on Instagram. The secret to their growth is Instagram growth hack tips which they have followed since starting of their Instagram journey.

Growth hack tips are small hacks and tweaks which rapidly attract users to the profiles, directly and indirectly.

Let’s go through some of such hacks and tips to improve brand presence as well as manage your brand efficiently.

Keeping eye on followers: Having good amount of followers is a good thing but are they worth? Some businesses use unethical means to gain followers. Most commonly they use automated softwares to generate ghost followers, comments and likes.
This practice make you business look popular but in reality it has some adverse effects.

Another practice which is ethical is following other followers and interacting with them. This practice is also exploited by businesses. Interacting with irrelevant users is a time killer.

Irrelevant followers can hinder while analyzing your Instagram metrics, so it is always recommended to keep a check on your followers.

Interacting with followers: Interacting with followers on timely basis improves customer and brand relationship.
This also helps business in developing further their services and products.
On Instagram it can be executed by directly asking customers about feedbacks or experiences, or sharing something relating to customer’s interests.

A clean bio: Your brand is known to your followers. What about your non-followers?
A bio is the only medium which will tell non followers about your business/brand. You can also include CTA in your bio using emoticons.

These are some ways you can manage your brand on Instagram.


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